

University Credit Union Pavilion

front of building with trees and walkway

大学信用合作社馆是圣玛丽男子篮球队的主场, women's basketball and volleyball teams. 展馆设有一个可容纳3500人的篮球场,篮球场有六个可移动的篮筐. 大, boisterous crowds are the norm for Saint Mary's games, 给了盖尔人一个伟大的避风港,也给了对手的教练无数的噩梦.

的 Pavilion is a part of the Brother U. Albert Rahill Activity Center, which also includes Madigan Gymnasium, Saint Mary's Stadium and the SMC Recreation 场. 的 Center derives its name from the late Brother U. Albert Rahill, "Mr. Saint Mary's", 他是一个五十多年的基督徒兄弟,并在1935年至1941年期间担任学院院长.


Saint Mary's Stadium

fans at outdoor stadium watching soccer on sunny day


圣玛丽体育场是男女足球队和俱乐部橄榄球队的主场. 位于校园的东南角,可以看到莫拉加连绵起伏的山丘, Saint Mary's Stadium seats 5,500名观众在这个国家最美丽的环境之一.

的 first game played at Saint Mary's Stadium was on September 22, 1973年,盖尔足球队以35-0战胜南俄勒冈开始了新赛季. On that date, the Edward P. "Slip" Madigan Memorial Plaza was dedicated. Located in front of the Stadium, 广场是为了纪念这位传奇教练而建的,他在1921年至1939年期间领导盖尔人队,并带领球队赢得了1939年棉花杯的胜利.

In the fall of 2014, the field underwent a major renovation. 更多的 than 100,9月中旬,在梅尔卡多景观美化公司的指导下,德尔塔蓝草公司在体育场铺设了000平方英尺的草皮. 比赛场地铺设了混合百慕达草皮,并在毗邻场地的外围地区安装了90/10高羊茅草皮和特殊遮荫混合草皮. In addition, Ghilotti Bros.公司. 拆除了场地南端现有的露天看台,以扩大比赛区域的规模. 足球场的尺寸增加到75码乘120码,三分之二的场地安装了景观草堤.

体育场还配备了最新的Daktronics记分牌, which displays time, score and various statistical categories throughout the match. 板上显示的具体信息是为春季橄榄球比赛定制的.


Louis Guisto 场

Louis Guisto 场 for 棒球

Located in the front of the campus, Louis Guisto 场坐落在高耸的松树中,可以看到校园和周围的Moraga山. Just a few steps away from various types of student housing, 球场为圣玛丽的学生提供了一个享受加州阳光和支持盖尔人的热门场所.

In 2012, the Gaels opened the new Louis Guisto 场, built 400 feet down the right field line from the old location.  新的路易斯·吉斯托球场的尺寸是330英尺左右的外场线, 400 feet to dead center and 375 feet in the gaps.  路易斯·吉斯托球场将成为更大的体育和娱乐走廊的一部分,该走廊包括约瑟夫·L. Alioto Recreation Center, which is attached to the approximate 1,500 person baseball stadium and state-of-the-art press box, which will be introduced over the next three years.

Originally named the Brother Agon 场, the field was renamed after legendary baseball-great Louis Guisto. 作为圣玛丽凤凰队的一员进入名人堂之后, 在1958年棒球项目被取消后,Guisto在成功恢复棒球项目方面发挥了重要作用.


Cottrell 场

softball field with green grass and hills behind


几乎完全由圣玛丽建筑和场地的工作人员建造, Cottrell 场被评为2000年NFCA区域表面场获胜者. 的 sandbased field was completed in October, 1999 with 80 percent blue and 20 percent rye turf area, and a stabilizer red skinned infield and warning track system.

2000年垒球赛季标志着科特雷尔球场比赛的第一年.  SInce that time, 该设施举办过大学会议和高中地区锦标赛.

多亏了伊丽莎白·拉尔森的捐赠,梦想成真了. 校董会成员,也是女子体育运动的大力支持者. Larson requested the field be dedicated to the memory of Dr. John Cottrell and his wife Katherine Casassa Cottrell.


Timothy Korth 网球 Complex

five outdoor tennis courts


Since the winter of 1990, 蒂莫西·科斯网球中心是圣玛丽男子和女子网球队的所在地. 的 complex features 12 courts, offices for coaches, and is located steps away from Louis Guisto and Cottrell 场s.

该综合体已经举办了西海岸会议冠军无数次,以及众多劳力士, NorCal and North Coast Section high school tournaments.


Recreational Turf 场

Recreational Turf 场

Originally constructed in the summer of 2011, 圣玛丽休闲草坪球场全年提供休闲场地, club sports and athletics programs at Saint Mary's College. 这个场地是一个人造地面,可以在任何天气条件下提供场地使用. 

肖体育草皮在2023年11月完成了革命性的GameOn草皮系统的翻新设计和更换. This installation of 94,012 square feet with updated game lines, 哈希标记和品牌标志增强了SMC比赛的视觉效果. 

灯光场地是俱乐部体育的练习、训练和比赛场地. 它也被广泛用于户外校园娱乐和校内活动.


约瑟夫·L. Alioto Recreation Center

exterior view of building from street

约瑟夫·L. Alioto Recreation Center opened in March of 2015. 23美元.5 million center includes a pool, 攀岩墙, three indoor courts for basketball, soccer and volleyball, a fitness center, and rooms for yoga, dance and spinning classes. From providing more than 100 on-campus student jobs 到锻炼和聚会的无数方式,中心有适合每个人的东西.


这个25码的游泳池有10圈车道和一个大浅端服务于SMC社区.  常年加热至80华氏度,并有持证救生员值班.  俱乐部体育和学生团体,如水球和游泳俱乐部利用空间进行练习, training and competitions.  水疗水疗也是约瑟夫L. Alioto Recreation Center.


Sil Garaventa Sr 场 & 帕特里克·B. Vincent Memorial 场 

加拉文塔和帕特文森特草地展示在校园的前面,用于足球, 橄榄球队和长曲棍球队以及各种圣玛丽赞助的营地.  广阔的草地吸引了各种团体和组织全年使用.  天然草地让球队在清爽的场地上进行准备和比赛. 

整个领域分为两个部分,由不同的组织资助. 帕特·文森特纪念球场是与男子橄榄球委员会合作建立的,以纪念圣玛丽橄榄球教练.  2006年,老布鲁斯橄榄球基金会(Olde Blues Rugby Football Foundation)为纪念曼森·B. 过